Welcome to Grace & Truth Bible Chapel

Welcome to Grace & Truth Bible Chapel


“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”Acts 2:42 SUNDAY 10:45 AM Family Bible Hour All are welcome to attend our Family Bible Hour...

We Believe

Our Statement of Faith In the Bible as the Divinely inspired inerrant Word of God, the revelation of His mind and will to man, our infallible, all-sufficient guide for salvation and for the Christian life...


“How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His excellent word…”George Keith & R. Keen 08114 Domingo Luke-20 The rejected Cornerstone; giving to God; Marriage – Audio –...

About Us

ABOUT US Although we see the Christian church established in the book of Acts, we also identify with a group of christians in the 1800’s who yearned for a return to New Testament simplicity and...


“We loved because He first loved us…”

1 John 4:19