Although we see the Christian church established in the book of Acts, we also identify with a group of christians in the 1800’s who yearned for a return to New Testament simplicity and accuracy. They began meeting together for sound Bible teaching, to remember the Lord Jesus’s death, and to pray with one another (Acts 2:42). These believers reaffirmed several Biblical truths:
- The Priesthood of Every Believer,
- A Plurality of Leadership,
- A Weekly Remembrance of the Lord’s Death (Communion),
- A Biblical View of Prophesy (Dispensational & Premillennial).
Contact Information:
Domingo Rodriquez (608) 769-6904
Ryan Aspenson (608) 606-1330
Email: westbychapel@gmail.com or livethebible@gmail.com
Located at 100 Norseland Court / Westby, WI 54667
Our top priority is to Glorify God by manifesting Jesus Christ to those around us!
Making Jesus Known
- Lives can be transformed through the power of God and His Word.
Loving People
- Sharing the love of Christ in practical ways through fellowshipping, serving and giving.
Making Disciples
- Leading others into an authentic, life-changing and God honoring relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Seeking the heart of God and praying for our families, our assembly, our community and the world.